Confirmation Sunday 10:00 am monthly memory verse : Psalm 122:1 See it here

Binge Reading Bible Poetry

A Next Step Bible Study on a Psalm

September 1

In worship this morning, we heard a few verses from the Song of Solomon, an ancient love poem that ultimately tells us of God's love for us in Jesus Christ.

Now let's apply a few of the things we learned about reading Bible poetry.

Psalm 47

This is a poem which uses the metaphor of Kingship to describe God's relationship with us.

What metaphors do you see in this poem?

eg. prince, throne

We live in a democratic republic. The earthly British Monarchy did not appeal to our nation's founders.

But imagine living in a kingdom.

What are some aspects of having a King as your leader that might be very good?

The poem says that those who believe in the God of the Bible are "God's princes among the nations".

What are some of the responsibilities of being a good Prince under your King?

The poem speaks of the "shields of the earth".

How do shields function in the hands of those who bring them into battle?

Read all of Psalm 47

To the choirmaster. A Psalm of the Sons of Korah.

Clap your hands, all peoples!

    Shout to God with loud songs of joy!

For the Lord, the Most High, is to be feared,

    a great king over all the earth.

He subdued peoples under us,

    and nations under our feet.

He chose our heritage for us,

    the pride of Jacob whom he loves. Selah

God has gone up with a shout,

    the Lord with the sound of a trumpet.

Sing praises to God, sing praises!

    Sing praises to our King, sing praises!

For God is the King of all the earth;

    sing praises with a psalm!

God reigns over the nations;

    God sits on his holy throne.

The princes of the peoples gather

    as the people of the God of Abraham.

For the shields of the earth belong to God;

    he is highly exalted!

(Psalm 47, ESV)

Our King has put these words into our mouths as a "shout of joy" because He is our King.

He has supplied our every need: food, shelter, love, community, etc. - what the Psalm calls "shields" - to protect and provide for us in this life.

He has made us Princes devoted to extending the King's Realm and gathering all people into His Realm (the Church!).

How will you use the "shields" God has provided you with to extend His kingdom?

In other words, identify a blessing from God and commit to leveraging that blessing for the sake of His Kingdom. Be specific.

The poem says that our King has subdued our enemies.

How has Jesus subdued your only true enemy: death?