Sunday Worship 10:00 am monthly memory verse : Numbers 6:24-26 See it here

Sample Schedule

What does a typical day look like for your child?

Sample Schedule

Opening activity-large group activity for the children to social during arrival

Circle time-Welcome song, flag salute, calendar, weather, ABC, counting, shapes, colors, theme for the week, children’s jobs


Centers-small group activities of creative arts, math, language arts, science & social studies


Outside time-slides, climbing equipment, swings, sand box, 


Jesus time-interactive weekly bible stories


Lunch-children are helped to develop independence in unpacking their lunch boxes, healthy foods are discussed & conversations are encouraged


Library time - Children are able to read age appropriate books or have stories read to them


Music and movement-children listen to music, follow instructions & work on large motor skills


Story-based upon the theme, sing goodbye song