Sunday Worship 10:00 am monthly memory verse : Numbers 6:24-26 See it here


Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about our school.

Q. Where are you located?

Q. How can I find out more information about your programs?

A. We invite interested families to visit our school. Call Michelle Koehl, Preschool Director at 609-298-2880 extension 101 to schedule an appointment. We welcome parents to tour our school and discuss which program is right for their child.

Q. Do I need to be a member of Holy Cross Lutheran Church?

A. No, Holy Cross Lutheran Preschool admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic or other school-administered programs.

Q. How old do children need to be to enroll in Holy Cross Lutheran Preschool?

A. Children need to be three by Oct. 1 to enroll in our Prek-3 program. Children need to be four by Oct. 1 to enroll in our Prek-4 program.

Q. Does my child have to be potty-trained to attend Holy Cross Lutheran Preschool?

A. All children enrolled in our programs must be completely independent in all toileting procedures.

Q. How much is the tuition?

A. The tuition of Holy Cross Lutheran Preschool is based on which program a child is enrolled in. For tuition breakdown for each program, please call Michelle Koehl, Preschool Director, at 609-298-2880 extension 101.

Q. What type of safety precautions do you have in place?

A. We are a locked facility and the entrance is surveillanced by video camera. Visitors must be buzzed in.

Playground is completely fenced in.

Fire drills are conducted monthly.

Emergency procedures for evacuations and lockdowns are in place in coordination with the local police and fire departments.

All staff members are CPR certified and first aid trained.

Q. Do you provide lunch?

A. No, children bring their own lunches from home.

Q. How do I keep up with what is going on in the classroom?

A. Michelle Koehl, our preschool director sends out a report at the beginning of each month with general information about the happenings in the school. In addition, each child’s parent/guardian in our program will be sent a class-specific email from their teacher.

Q. Do you have set times for drop-off and pick-up?

A. Yes, the classrooms do not open until the beginning of the school day. We cannot supervise unattended children before school begins. Pick-up time is as soon as the class dismisses.